Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Free Stuff

Who doesn't want free stuff? For some of us finding free things on the web is a passion, and for others it's a necessity. Whatever your reason is for seeking out these great deals, being a savy shopper can save you a lot of money! The first step to seeking out free stuff is to determine exactly what you're looking for. Then try going directly to the source for any promotional offer! For example, often manufacturers will give away free products on their websites in order to promote a specific item. Kashi recently sent shoppers a coupon for one free frozen entree using this advertising method. Betty Crocker also is known to send sample of their new desserts by signing up on their website as well. If you don't have any specific brand in mind, and are just looking for general freebies, the next step is to try using some of the websites that do all of the leg work for you! Some of my favorite sites include and Finally, some store websites also offer free sample offers for many of the products that they sell. is one example that offers a sign-up for free samples and trial offers. If you still can't find what you're looking for using these methods, your last resort may be to enter the item you're looking for into a search engine like Google or Yahoo. Many people post links to a coupon, rebate, or free offer on their personal blog or in a community forum to share with everyone!

There are a few things to keep in mind when on the lookout for free offers. First, you always want to be careful of malicious sites that you may stumble upon. McAfee SiteAdvisor is a free-browser plug-in that gives safety advice about websites before you even click on the site! Second, you should never reveal any personal information like your social security number or credit card number to receive any free offer. This is a sure-sign of a scam! Third, beware of the hoaxers. If it sounds too good to be true, then chances are that it’s not true. In all my years of freebie searching, I have yet to find someone who truly won a free car, house or vacation just for filling out a survey! Fourth, remember that looking for free offers can be time-consuming. So keep your exploration focused and don’t sign-up for every free offer under the sun. Finally, remember that by filling out your phone number or e-mail address on a form might result in that company frequently calling you or filling up your in-box with unwanted offers and advertising. So be careful who you give out your information to! In order to avoid receiving spam, you may want to refrain from giving out your e-mail address, or set-up another e-mail account that you use specifically for signing up for freebies. Now that I’ve passed much of the freebie knowledge that I’ve garnered over the years, you’re ready to go out into the virtual world and begin the hunt!

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